Dog Left For D.e.a.d On Side Of The Road Until Someone Finally Makes Lifesaving Call #dogs #doglovers #puppy #puppies

    She had been lying there for 24 hours in agony before someone finally called for help.

    A tiny white dog lay against a sidewalk, injured and in agony for over 24 hours before someone reached out to help. Hope For Paws received the life-saving call to help “Lady” and found her lying on the side of the road.

    Eldad Hagar figured her pelvis was crushed, likely after being hit by a car. The poor baby knew she needed help, but she had been ignored in a “pretty rough” neighborhood in Los Angeles. After gently moving her onto a blanket, Hagar carried the whimpering pup to his car and on to a better life.

    The little sweetheart did end up having a broken pelvis but after getting a lot of TLC she went into foster care and within a few short weeks she had found the perfect home.

    Watch Lady’s touching rescue in the video below.